Rebar&wire rod hot rolling mill

Rebar&wire rod hot rolling mill is to make low carbon, middle carbon and high carbon steel rebar and wire rod,

It is transforming steel billets into reinforced bars and wire rods, catering to construction and manufacturing needs with precision and high-speed production capabilities.


SKU: 1000 Category:


Rebar Mills

Limited investment meets higher capacity

Rebar size from φ8-40mm, it is TMT bar

Capacity from 100,000T/Yearly to 500,000T/Yearly

With TMT system, fully automatic running.

Wire rod Mills

WIRE ROD Ø 5.5 – 25 mm

Quenched and fine-grain wire rod
Carbon, low- and mid-alloy wire rod
Special steels and super-alloy wire rod

Machine mainly features

Production capacity per hour has risen by as much as 6%.

The efficiency of metal production has been enhanced, achieving up to a 2% increase.

The process of manufacturing wire rod now eliminates the need for trimming operations, including those for uncooled front-ends and out-of-tolerance dimensions.

The occurrence of cobbles, as well as the need to trim the heads and tails from rolled stock, has been eradicated.

Our technology is adaptable and can be integrated into any design plan, whether for new plants or for those undergoing upgrades.